It has been one week in Peru, but it feels like its been at least two. So much has happened and there as been so much adjusting to the place and climate. I don't even know where to start, but I guess the beginning is as good as any.

The flight from Lima to Peru was actually a lot of fun, due to the snow capped Andes Mountains that were visible for the first part of the flight. We arrived safely and everyone still had all of their luggage. God blesses even in the small things!
When we landed I expected it to be really hot, however, at seven in the morning it was only about 75-80 degrees. Not to bad, but it does warm up into about the 90s during the day and 90-100 percent humidity. This really was not as bad as I was expecting, but then I realized that it is winter here right now so hopefully I will become acclimated to the weather by that time. The key to mission work is to be flexible and role with the punches.
Not long after arriving I learned that the new doctor that is going to be helping with the clinic is not comfortable supervising dental work. This was a disappointment to me at first, but God is great and has worked things out so much better then originally planned. Dr Lim came down with us for the first two weeks and he has taught Joy Lim and I so much about extracting teeth. I have gotten many opportunities to do extractions. Just this morning I was able to see a few patients and do the consultation, and determine which teeth needed extractions. I then was able to numb them up and do the extractions without any help. It has been really exciting learning how to work on peoples teeth and help them.
The lack of knowledge about person hygiene down here will blow you out of the water. Parents bring their five year old children in with all of their teeth completely gone from decay and they are asking what caused it. They have no idea! There is so much work to do here. The people are not only hurting physically, but also spiritually. We have the pastor see everyone who comes to clinic before we give them physical care and there has been a large number who have requested bible studies as a result of this. In just one morning this week we had five people request bible studies!!! Praise God.
I have so much more I could say, but my lunch period is up and I must go prepare to go to the orphanage this afternoon. Thankyou so much for you many prayers, please continue to keep the work in Pucallpa Peru in your prayers.
Until next time
Jeremy Holt