What an eventful summer it has been! I have seen God's hand working in so many ways through the last couple months has the departure date has approached. I spent most of my time this summer studying to take my DAT (the test that determines if you are qualified to go to dental school). I took the test and God really blessed.

The past month I have really been turning my attention toward Peru. We had a little bump in the road about a month ago. The doctor who has been running the clinic at Amor for the past several years decided to go back to school. This left the clinic crippled and unable to function. The board of Amor projects had been looking for another doctor to help out at the clinic for a couple years and had not found anyone who was willing to do so. It came down to the day that they were going to tell all of the SM's if the mission was closed, and they said to give them one more weekend to look for someone, and pray about it. That next Monday they sent us telling us that they had found a doctor and that we were going to be able to keep the mission open! Praise God! I found this to be extra special, because I had been praying that if I was not supposed to go to Amor that God would shut that door, but if I was that he would show me. He opened the door, when it seemed almost impossible!!!
God has blessed so much in so many ways this summer. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me and helped me raise the funds for my trip! Please keep me in your prayers as I will be leaving Monday, August 31.
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